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Business IT

What is Business IT?

Business IT helps organizations in all industries to automate processes and systems to achieve objectives, increase revenue and reduce waste and inefficiency. It is becoming more important as commercial transactions, customer demands and regulatory requirements become more complex and stringent.

The purpose of it is to meet the growing needs of companies and the expanding expectations of customers. Today’s employers leverage information technology to find the right balance between sound business practices and complex computer systems. This field helps companies keep up with continual hardware, software, system and procedural changes. Effective management of technology enables businesses to better serve customers by increasing employee engagement, access to information and flexibility in responding to business changes and challenges.

In the modern business world, relevant knowledge and information are non-tangible commodities that drive success and competitiveness. Efficient information and communication systems will continually minimize risks, strengthen organizations and support proactive business strategies. One of the most important functions of it is to combine information competencies with communication technology and management skills. Business information technology professionals offer expertise in data security, modelling, management and system upgrades.

Information technology (or IT) is defined as “the application of computers and internet to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information.” Network Administration & Security is a specific category of Information Technology, focused on the transmitting data aspect.

From small businesses run by a single person to huge multi-national corporations, the importance of information technology in any business setting is evident. Computer technology is used across the business world in every department and has become vital to business operations in the modern world.

Without information technology and system support, businesses simply stop! If the internet or phone service goes down in an office, nothing can get done — HR, finance, operations, communications, sales, and all other departments depend on functional computers and information systems to complete their work. Plus, IT and Information Services (or IS) protect the integrity of data and keep it safe from a world of technological threats.

In short, workplaces cannot function without IT and IS professionals. They’re a valuable part of every office and business environment. No matter your current level of education or experience, South College has a program in IT and IS that will help you reach your goals as an information technology professional.