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Load Shedding, Remote Working and COVID related Cyber-threats...

These businesses barely noticed!

2020 has delivered surprises, stumbling blocks and barriers to business at an unprecedented rate!  Despite these challenges, Turrito customers have managed to carry on working with minimal fuss and in some cases more productively than they ever have.  With redundant connectivity, efficient power solutions, always-available applications and security and compliance built-in.  The move to Work-from-Home for these customers has been seamless and it hasn’t compromised efficiency in any way. 

There are a multitude of challenges in 2022 and your IT and telecoms should be an investment that helps you overcome them.  Speak to Turrito to find out how. 

To find out how Turrito can help your business achieve maximum resiliency in 2022 contact us now.

For an eye-opening view into the current cyber-threat landscape, click here and download the latest Microsoft Digital Defense Report. This detailed report illustrates how quickly fraudsters adapted, and continue to adapt, their techniques to take advantage of COVID.