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As we embrace the winter chill here in South Africa, Turrito is excited to bring you the latest in AI advancements from our trusted partner, Zscaler. Despite the constant analysis and discussion surrounding AI, its potential to revolutionize the tech industry remains unparalleled. 

For AI to achieve its transformative potential, it must be effectively harnessed by both end users and IT administrators. Turrito, as a Zscaler reseller, is thrilled to introduce two groundbreaking AI innovations from Zscaler that strike a balance between risk and reward, all while enhancing IT operations. Let’s explore these innovations and see how they can help your company fully leverage the AI productivity revolution. 

Innovation 1: Secure Data Faster with AI 

AI’s ability to help humans work smarter and faster extends to security tasks as well. One key area where AI excels is in accurate and rapid pattern matching. This is particularly beneficial for technologies like Data Loss Prevention (DLP), which rely heavily on signature matching. 

Many organizations struggle with operationalizing DLP, facing challenges in enabling visibility across distributed data. They often need to tweak dictionaries and engines, and deploy them across various channels. Compounding the problem, security teams frequently deal with multiple DLP policies, leading to inconsistent alerts and delayed response times. 

Auto Data Discovery for Inline, Endpoint, and Cloud 

This is where AI-driven visibility from Zscaler can make a significant impact. Through AI-driven auto discovery, data location and movement can be swiftly identified across the organization. Zscaler first introduced auto data discovery in 2022 over inline channels using their Inline Cloud Proxy. This allowed data security admins to identify outbound data risks across all users and apps without any DLP requirements. 

The latest launch expands this capability, adding two new channels for auto data discovery: on devices via Endpoint DLP and within clouds via Data Security Posture Management (DSPM). By automatically discovering data across these channels, Zscaler’s new approach dramatically accelerates teams’ ability to locate sensitive data straight out of the box. 

For a deeper understanding, watch this clip from the Data Protection Innovation launch, showcasing AI-Driven Data Discovery across inline, endpoint, and cloud. 

Watch the video: 

Innovation 2: Protect Data Better from AI 

Organizations worldwide are grappling with the risks associated with generative AI (GenAI). While these applications can significantly boost user productivity, they also pose substantial data risks. Users can easily expose sensitive data by using public apps like ChatGPT, compromising data security. Organizations often respond by blocking these apps, which can hinder productivity. 

Generative AI Security with Prompt Visibility 

Zscaler’s new innovation in GenAI Security offers a powerful solution, allowing organizations to safely embrace AI apps while minimizing data loss risks. As an inline proxy, Zscaler’s Data Protection platform provides continuous visibility into all shadow AI apps. Additionally, as a Secure Service Edge (SSE) cloud, it offers comprehensive controls, enabling you to either isolate GenAI apps and data in a secure browser or use DLP inspection to selectively block certain types of data heading to GenAI. 

What sets Zscaler’s new innovation apart is its input prompt visibility. With a powerful new dashboard, you can see the actual input prompts sent to AI apps. This valuable context helps you make more informed blocking decisions. 

To see this innovative approach in action, check out the GenAI demo from their Data Protection Innovation launch. 

Watch the video: 

At Turrito, we are committed to helping our clients harness the power of AI and stay ahead in the evolving tech landscape. Partnering with Zscaler, we provide cutting-edge solutions that ensure your data remains secure while you leverage the full potential of AI innovations. Contact us to learn how these advancements can benefit your organization. 

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