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Cybersecurity is a new branch of technology that protects information that is stored digitally from online hackers, however, with such a vast subject, there is a plethora of unfamiliar words and acronyms that the everyday person would not know. As a technology solutions provider that knows A LOT about online security, we want to provide everyone with a few key acronyms and definitions that should help everyone speak our language better.

Below is a list of common acronyms that we use every day, but they are categorized by topic rather than alphabetically. Jump to the section that you might have the most interest in.

SIEM – Security Information and Event Management

A SIEM is a deployable collector that provides a local network with real-time analysis of the environment’s activity.

ATP – Advanced Threat Protection

An alternative to the less-reliable anti-virus software that goes beyond point-in-time detection and analyzes files and traffic to find and counter advanced malware.

SOC – Security Operations Center

A focused area dedicated solely to customizing and enhancing the monitoring of a product like SIEM. The “place” where individuals within a company combat serious threats with reliable remedial steps — something all companies need.


CISO — Chief Information Security Offer

The company executive that ensures that their enterprise’s technology and information is not compromised by online hackers or other security threats.

MSP — Managed Service Provider

The individual that helps companies find a cybersecurity company that will be able to protect their private information.

MSSP — Managed Security Service Provider

Security providers for companies but unlike MSPs, MSSPs help the company prevent, detect, and/or respond to threats; MSPs simply provide a service and offer no remediation.

IT (Guys/Specialists) — Information Technology

An individual or group of individuals that have advanced expertise in technology in order to manage electronics-related problems of optimization opportunities.


FISMA — Federal Information Security Management and Modernization Acts

The 2002 and 2014 acts that holds companies legally responsible to set and comply with policies in order to secure other agencies’ information systems within the U.S. Federal government.

HIPAA — Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Compliance laws pertaining to the 1996 act that gives provisions to protecting the privacy/data of patients.

FFIEC — Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

An institute that is concerned with the supervision of other financial institutions and their dealings between their services and their customers.

The list we’ve provided is not a comprehensive list and only covers some of the main acronyms we used in our day-to-day speech. If you were to step into our office, you might also hear us talking about VPNs, IDS/IDPs, MDR and more.

For those interested in our services, contact us today and we will be able to explain everything to you in understandable English.

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